Labaid Specialized Hospital

Labaid Specialized Hospital


In the last few years we have been proudly witnessing the astounding pace of progress in health care delivery system in the private sector in Bangladesh. Our doctors have made remarkable achievements in almost all specialties of medical science. Diagnostic facilities are getting latest technological advents. Patient-related services are becoming professional and patient-friendly.

Labaid Specialized Hospital has been established with the spirit and dedication focused on comprehensive medical care and management services. Multidisciplinary medical professionals have assembled with their expertise and experience on the common platform of Labaid Specialized Hospital to make it a complete and world-class healthcare service provider. Our patients will no more have to worry about where to go for best possible treatment.

Inpatient facilities

  1. 250 Inpatient Beds
  2. Adult Intensive Care Units
  3. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
  4. Transplant ICU with separate units for patients and donors
  5. Deluxe rooms, VIP Suites and High Care suites
  6. Telephone/fax/e-mail service
  7. Taxi call/currency exchange/hotel booking
  8. Ambulance service
  9. Cafeteria

Outpatient facilities

  1. 24-hour Emergency care
  2. Ambulance & Mobile Critical Care Fleet
  3. Outpatient Surgery Service
  4. Dedicated patient care provider for each patient

Special Facilities

  1. 10 Operation Theaters
  2. MRI, CT and Lithotripsy
  3. Digital Radiology
  4. 64-slice CT Scanner
  5. Critical Care Transport
  6. Molecular Biology Lab
  7. Video Endoscopy
  8. 4D sonography
  9. Minimally Invasive Surgery
  10. Tooth Implant

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House#06, Road#04, Dhanmondi
Dhaka 1205, Bangladesh.
© 2022 Labaid Group. All rights reserved.